Falk Laboratory School School Logo Falk Laboratory School School Logo

Falk Laboratory School offers an Extended Day Program to provide families with afternoon programming for students in grades K-8.

All Falk students are welcome to attend and no pre-registration is required.

Afternoon Program

  • Students will remain in grade level pods while in the Extended Day program. Each pod will be supervised by University of Pittsburgh student workers. 
  • We offer activities such as arts and crafts, board games, library time, and free play indoors and on the playground. Older students also have the option of working on homework assignments.
  • Program participants receive a modest nut-free snack.

Falk's dismissal is 3:15 PM. The afternoon program and billing charges begin at 3:30 PM. The afternoon Extended Day program’s hours of operation are 3:30–6:00 PM daily unless otherwise dictated by our calendar or special events.

Extended Day Fees

The afternoon Extended Day Program and billing charges begin at 3:30 PM. The cost for attending the afternoon program is $15.00 for the first hour and any portion thereof and an additional $5.00 for anytime thereafter. All fees will be charged to your BillPay account.

  3:30-4:30 PM     $15.00  
  3:30-6:00 PM     $20.00  
  4:30-6:00 PM Only     $15.00  
  After 6:00 PM a surcharge for each additional 5 minutes     $12.00  

Families should register their children for Extended Day through their SchoolPass account.

Extended Day Snacks Schedule - 2 Week Cycle

A representative selection of snacks offered during the Extended Day program:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1 Keebler Scooby Snacks Nabisco Oreos Pirates Booty Carrots & Heinz Ranch Smartfood Popcorn
Week 2 Sensible Portions Veggie straws Nabisco Lorna Doones Nutrigrain Bars Sunchips Cheddar Snack Pack Pudding-Chocolate
Beverages Apple Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Orange Juice Chocolate Milk