Falk strives to keep tuition and fees affordable for most families seeking an independent school education.
However, we recognize that many children whose families cannot afford our tuition fees might greatly benefit from a Falk School education. Falk considers socioeconomic diversity part of its mission. Our financial aid office works diligently to support all families in need.
Financial assistance requests are not considered when acceptances are offered.
Other Fees and Expenses
Please note that tuition assistance does not apply to fees and expenses, which include:
April 30, 2025
Financial Aid Supporting Documentation Due
Upload to FACTS or fax to 866.315.9264
Policy Statement
Falk Laboratory School is committed to creating and nurturing a school community that is economically, socially and racially/ethnically diverse, as well as diverse in regards to interests, viewpoints, and talents.
The mission of the Falk Tuition Assistance Program is to offer financial support to as many students as we possibly can for whom Falk Lab School’s educational opportunities would not otherwise be available.
Tuition assistance is supported through the Falk Lab School operating budget, the Falk School Scholarship Fund, Excellence in Teaching Fund, and funds received through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs. As a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, Falk follows NAIS’ Principles of Good Practice for Financial Aid Administration.
Tuition assistance is exclusively need-based. It is available for tuition only and is not available for lunches, school snacks, Extended Day programs, or fees. Each year, families must reapply and submit up-to-date supporting documentation through the third-party financial aid assessment service provider, FACTS Management (FACTS).
Statement of Confidentiality
Applications for admission are completely separate from applications for tuition assistance. Falk School will treat all financial information provided by families as confidential and secure. Applying for tuition assistance has no bearing on admissions decisions. No student will be denied admission because of financial need.
However, as Falk’s budget for tuition assistance is limited, the School may be unable to provide financial aid to admitted families who have expressed, documented needs for aid.
Process to Apply for Tuition Assistance
Complete and Submit the FACTS Online Application
Complete and submit the FACTS online application for school year 2025-2026 at www.factstuitionaid.com.
There is a $35.00 submission fee. Falk School does not offer paper applications. If your family does not have a home computer, we suggest using your local library computer center or calling to schedule time to complete the process on a Falk School computer. New families applying for Kindergarten must submit their online application by January 17, 2025. All returning families, as well as new families with students in grades 1 through 8, must submit their online application by February 7, 2025.
FACTS applications will continue to be reviewed on an ongoing basis after the February 7 deadline, but please note that the availability of funds will be limited. If you have questions, or would like to apply past the February 7 deadline, please contact the Tuition Assistance Committee, c/o Director Jill Sarada, at [email protected].
Upload or Fax all Supporting Documentation to FACTS
After completing the online application, you will need to upload or fax all required supporting documentation. Documents can be uploaded online by logging in to your account or faxed to 866.315.9264. Families must submit all supporting documentation by April 30. FACTS will analyze and verify your information and make a recommendation to Falk School.
Any families submitting documentation after April 30 should contact the Tuition Assistance Committee, c/o Jill Sarada at [email protected].
Wait to receive an estimated award notice
The estimated award allows you to make an informed decision about enrollment. You will receive a final award amount after all supporting documentation has been submitted to, and verified by, FACTS.
Make sure you have completed all requirements by the provided deadlines
A family’s file must be complete before a final amount can be awarded. Be mindful of all deadlines and be responsive to emails and letters from FACTS or Falk School.
Wait to receive a final award amount
The Falk School Tuition Assistance Committee will review the FACTS report and supporting documentation to make an informed decision about your tuition assistance award. The committee will formally communicate their decision via postal mail.
All families, whether currently enrolled or applying for admission, should apply online for Tuition Assistance.
When you select the link above you will be redirected to the FACTS website.